Sun Scald Protection
Sunscald, sunburn and Solar injury are all used interchangeably. Although some research differentiate between them, here we use sunburn, sunscald and Solar injury to refer to damage on fruit and leaves by exposure to solar radiation in addition to excessive heat.
Beyond sunburn symptoms, affected fruit usually show other skin disorders, such as lenticel marking, and sunburn may predispose affected fruit to develop postharvest physiological disorders such as ‘Fuji’ stain, sunburn scald in ‘Granny Smith’ or internal browning. Also, various pathogens may gain entrance into the fruit through the affected area. Most of these disorders make fruit unmarketable.
The economic impact of fruit and plant wastage due to sunburn can be significant, affecting both individual growers and the broader agricultural industry. Sunburn damage occurs when fruits and plants are exposed to excessive sunlight and high temperatures, leading to a range of negative consequences. Temperature threshold can be as low as 28°C for tomatoes and yield might be effected as much as 50%. In most apple orchards, sunburn causes losses averaging 10% annually. In warmer climates such as Australia, South Africa, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Chile losses in unprotected orchards can often reach 30% to 40%
Sunburn Necrosis
It is the most readily visible type of sunburn, with a dark brown or black necrotic spot on the exposed fruit surface In most environmental conditions it occurs when the apple fruit surface temperature (FST) reaches 52 ± 1◦C for only 10 min
Sunburn Browning
It is the most prevalent type of sunburn occurring on attached sun-exposed fruits. The discoloration associated with Sunburn Browning has been correlated to decreased concentrations of chlorophylls and anthocyanins and increased concentrations of carotenoids and quercetin glycosides in the peel
Photooxidative Sunburn
The first symptom of Photooxidative Sunburn is a white spot that appears on previously shade-grown fruits that are suddenly exposed to full sunlight. Research indicates that it is related only to solar radiation in the visible range
Riesling grapes sunburn necrosis
Damage caused by sunburn necrosis in Riesling. 47% of berries were damaged due to a sunburn event occurring on July 25, 2019. Picture was taken on September 30, 2019, at 19.5°Brix in Geisenheim, Germany.

Sunburn in Grapes: A Review *
Gambetta JM, Holzapfel BP, Stoll M and Friedel M

Sunburn in Grapes: A Review *
Gambetta JM, Holzapfel BP, Stoll M and Friedel M
Protect Crops with Natural Minerals
Types of sunburns depicted here are excerpted from :Racskó, J. and Schrader, L.E. (2012) Sunburn of Apple Fruit: Historical Background, Recent Advances and Future Perspectives. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 31, 455-504.